Monday, March 3, 2014

More Miracles

OK, Here's one of my weirder miracles LOL

Once, a long time ago I was very upset because I hadn't known about something important so I could pray about it, and by the time I found out about it, it was all over. I was talking to the Lord as I was so upset and He showed me something that just totally floored me, and made me realize that I don't have to worry when that happens. Since He isn't bound by time it doesn't matter if we don't pray "in time" for something because He can take our prayers regardless of "when" we pray them and apply them to the appropriate time and place. Isn't that cool????? I was so excited when He showed me that! Now, I don't think He'd do that if we used that knowledge to purposely put off praying for something that we did know about, but when we just space things out honestly, or for some other reason just honestly aren't aware of it, then I'm positive He will do that. He's such an awesome God!!!

I was just blown away by it when the Lord showed it to me and later He confirmed it in a way it couldn't be denied. I don't usually tell people about it though cause it really is literally unbelievable LOL I was on my way to work one morning and I was late by at least 5 minutes and that's assuming I would speed. Normally it would take a good 10 more minutes to get to work from where I was at the moment I prayed. It was 7:07am and I asked the Lord to somehow get me to work on time as it was really important for that day. I didn't speed though as that's against the law and so a sin too. When I pulled into the driveway it was 7am. No... I didn't look at the clock wrong lol it was digital. Now you know why I don't tell people about that one LOL

I don't mind sharing most of the miracles the Lord has done, but some, like that one, were so obviously miraculous that they're pretty hard to believe...even for me lol and I was there!

There's one miracle that the Lord gave me, that He used to show me how a miracle He does for one person can affect many other people as well. It was one of those miracles that others often see as being supposedly coincidences. It was something I'd prayed for though, knowing the Lord would answer, so I knew it wasn't coincidence. But, since it wasn't "supernatural" it didn't seem to me at the time like something others would affect other people at all.

Going back in time to just after I was saved, our house was being foreclosed. I'd looked and looked and hadn't been able to find anything that I could afford to live in, so of course I asked the Lord to provide a home for me and my children that I could afford by March 1st, the date we were supposed to move out on. On Feb 27th I still hadn't found anything, but we were all packed up and ready to go and had been for several days already.

My friends were literally freaking out asking me what in the world was I going to do if I didn't find something, especially since I had 5 children. They were really frightened for me, offering to let us stay with them until I could find something. I just kept telling them that it was going to be OK, that the Lord would provide in time.

The afternoon of the next day, Feb 28th, and the very last day I had before eviction, I found out about an apartment that had just been vacated. It was perfect in that it was the cheapest place in the entire town (or neighboring towns!) and the ONLY place I could have afforded, although it wasn't well known. I went to the owner and told him I wanted it. He said I had to give him the rent and deposit before I could sign the lease and he had someone else who wanted it scheduled to be there in 15 minutes to see it! I ran to the bank (only 2 mins away), got the money and brought it back to him. I was signing the lease when the other couple came to the door! He said it (obviously) wasn't ready to move into since the previous occupants had just moved out, but I told him that I didn't care about that and would clean it myself. He agreed and I spent that afternoon after work cleaning it. The next morning was our deadline day, March 1st and that's when we moved into the apartment!

My friends were just totally awestruck and shocked. They kept saying, "you told us God would do it, but I didn't believe you and thought you were just trying to be positive, but He really did and you never doubted it for a minute!" I discovered later that it was this miracle that brought my friends back to Christ and they rededicated their lives to Him because of what He'd done for me. I know they tell people about this miracle all the time too, so there's no telling who else has been affected by it that I'm unaware of.

An update to that is that we lived in that apartment for 8 years and I longed for my own house again. The eighth year we were there, I asked the Lord (again) for a nicer home of our own. We found a mobile home we fell in love with at the end of October and moved into in December of that same year. What really blew my mind though was what I found out about just before we moved in here. I'd known our landlord was trying to sell the place, and discovered that he had sold it and that the new owners were going to be more then tripling the rent in January! There was no way we could have afforded that and the Lord knew that. The monthly cost on house we bought came out to be about the same amount a month that we'd been paying for the apartment before! In the past year I've checked our town and all the surrounding towns to see if there was anyplace we could live that was even cheaper then where we are now, and there's nothing less then what we have. The only place that came close is the apartments that my daughter Jennifer lives in now and that was almost tied with us. God is just so amazing! He got us out of that apartment at just the perfect time, even though we didn't know we were in any danger. If we hadn't moved when we did though, there's no way we could have paid the rent the new landlord demanded and we wouldn't have had anyplace to go. God most certainly is in control!

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