I'll share one of mine like that, although just about everyone here already knows it. I was in a car accident which hurt my back, and then a little over a month later, a patient I was caring for had a temper tantrum and through me to the floor backward. (I'd been bending over, slightly twisted, to try and help him, when he did that) It totally did in my back. I was finished and that's what the doctors told me. I'd never work again. I cried because I loved my work! I felt like the Lord had let me down...after all, didn't I pray for His protection every day when I woke up? Where was it???? My life was ruined...it was over! (or so I thought in my little temper tantrum) Looking back, I'm so ashamed of myself, but you know, the Lord didn't once get angry with me? Instead, He comforted me, told me it was OK to cry and to get it all out, because Yes, "my life" was all over.
I had to have surgery and was in a brace afterward and not allowed to even sit up except to go to the bathroom (with help) and just short times to eat. So all I could do all day was lay on my back on the couch. My husband programmed our CD player with 60 praise and worship CD's for me and gave me the remote. Next to me on the coffee table was my beloved Bible and Strongs Concordance, but for about a month or two I wasn't allowed to lift the concordance as it was too heavy. I might be down and out, but I knew that even like this there was plenty I could still do. I could worship the Lord, pray, and study His Word. So that's what I did every day from 6am when my husband left for work and the kids left for school, until just after 3 when they began coming home. That lasted for a couple of months until I was able to sit up as long as I wanted to. (I was in the brace for a year). Once I was able to sit up, I got to my computer where I had a bible library with many commentaries to aid my study as well, and continued in my routine. I grew very close to the Lord during that time and grew a lot in my faith. I came to know that He hadn't let me down at all, but instead had given me a miracle.
It was a hidden miracle, because no one would think to ask for it or to look for it the way it came about. And yet, I can't think of any other way He could have made it happen. If I hadn't been totally incapacitated, or if I'd been able to go back to work I'd have been up and "doing things". Even if it was just "cleaning the house"! Instead, I was forced to spend all my time in His Word and in His presence. You simply can't help but grow when you're there!
There were yet more trials, for with my recuperation from surgery, came pain, pain that wouldn't go away and that would prevent me from ever going back to work. And praise God, pain that would keep me relying on Him for the strength to get through each day! Another miracle came from that, for I learned the truth of what Paul meant when He said he would delight in his weakness for when he was weak, then God was his strength! That is a lesson that has been fine tuned over the last 12 years. To this very day I thank the Lord for the accident and the pain, not because I like it - I hate it! - but because I know that the Lord used those things to work for my good and bring me to the place He wanted me to be spiritually, which is far more important then anything else in this world. I'm sadly, a very stubborn person and the Lord had to break me before He could use me. When I did fully submit to Him though, He then gave me this board and ministry which He then grew me up into, for I wasn't anywhere near ready to deal with it when He first gave it to me lol But He knew I had a lot to learn and in order to learn it, I needed to be around others, and so this is where He brought me, and taught me and where He commanded me to grow where I'd been planted.
And so, for the miracle of my spiritual growth in Him, with His help, I praise Him!
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