Monday, March 3, 2014

Another miracle of life!

I have another one from when one of my children was being born.:

When I went into labor with my 4th baby, he was presenting as a footling breach--in other words coming out feet first lol; and I began hemorrhaging badly. I knew I was dying because I heard the doctor ask my husband who he should try to save if he could-me or the baby. I was still in the labor room at that time and just as the doctor asked my husband that, I heard another doctor telling him to get out of the way that he was taking over my case. My doctor was on vacation so I had gotten the doctor on call when I went into hard labor.

He wheeled me into a surgical suite and had the nurses running to set everything up that he needed. Christopher was born about an hour later. Obviously I didn't die and neither did my son Christopher., but it was a close call.

Now to explain what God had to do with this. My doc had gone on vacation so he wasn't there for me. The doctor that took over was a specialist for exactly the kind of delivery I was having. He was in our state and at that hospital just for that week to teach the other doctors how to handle the kind of case I was presenting. Not only that, but the only reason he happened to come into the labor and delivery area that night was to say goodbye as he was on his way to the airport to leave for home! When he came in, he heard all the commotion and heard what the young doc was asking my husband and immediately took over realizing this was his exact specialty!

When my doc got back from vacation the next day he brought me flowers and told me that I was very very lucky that he hadn't been there the night before. I thought that was pretty odd so I asked him what he meant. He then told me about the doctor who had helped me saying he was the very best in the world at handling cases like mine. He said he'd just finished being briefed by that doctor about me and knew if he hadn't been on vacation there was no doubt in his mind that I would have died.

Talk about divine intervention! Thank you Lord!

1 comment:

  1. WOW Cindy. We have an awesome God whose timing is perfect.


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