I hadn't thought about this miracle in a long time, but it's one of the most amazing ones the Lord gave me. I was about 12 years old when this happened. My Mom and I had gone back to Tucson as my Dad was taking my Mom to court over my custody. So my Mom was going to have me tell the judge that I wanted to live with her. My Mom arranged for us to stay with my Uncle and my cousins which was fine with me as I'd missed them a lot since we'd moved to Florida. But when we got there, only my cousin Eddie was there. Jeff and Kathy were both off somewhere else. Eddie was two years older than me, so he would have been around 14 then. I had brought my Bible because I was leaning on the Lord to give me His Words to speak in the courtroom, as I didn't want to hurt my Father or Mother. Even at that age I knew my Bible well and had read it from cover to cover more then once already.
After I'd told Eddie about the court thing and how I was counting on the Lord to help me, he told me about a problem he was having that really scared him. Apparently a much older and bigger teenage boy was harassing him to join his "coven". The boy told him he practiced black magic; used ouija boards, tarot cards, etc. Eddie said this guy really scared him and he didn't want to be part of it, but when he told the guy that, he threatened Eddie saying he had to join the coven "or else". I told my cousin that he didn't have to worry about that guy because God would protect him and showed him the scriptures that talked about that. I could tell that Eddie really wasn't convinced though.
The next day our parents went somewhere, leaving us home alone for a short time, and sure enough, that guy showed up at the door! He rang the doorbell and then just let himself in! He thought Eddie was home alone, but seeing me with him didn't give him cause for concern. We were both standing in the kitchen when he walked into the house. Between the kitchen and living room was a breakfast bar. This guy came inside but only walked about half way up to the breakfast bar. The whole time he was demanding that Eddie come with him right now so he could be inducted into the coven. I could see that Eddie was too scared to act and that if I didn't do something he'd probably wind up going off with this jerk. No way was I going to let that happen. So if Eddie wouldn't call on the Name of the Lord, I would! And I did!
All I did was point at the kid and say something like, "Get out of this house in the Name of Jesus" or "leave us alone in the Name of Jesus"... I can't remember anymore what my exact words were, other than that I used, "in the Name of Jesus", but it would have been something like one of those two sentences. The only thing I expected to happen was that the kid would leave, that's all. But that's NOT what happened. Instead, as soon as I pointed at him and said that, he was picked up so that his feet were at least 6 inches off the floor and went flying backwards across the room until his back hit the wall next to the front door! His face was as white as a sheet as he slid down the wall for a second till his feet touched the ground, at which point, he turned and ran out of the house as though he was on fire! Eddie and I just stood where we were in the kitchen with our mouths hanging open as we watched what the Lord did to protect us. I'm not sure which one of us was more amazed,

The next morning was my court date. When we arrived the Judged called me to the stand, but as soon as he did, my Dad stood up and told him that he didn't want me put through that and that he was dropping his case. We were only there for maybe 5 minutes. I hugged my Dad and he and my Mom made arrangements for when he could come to visit. So the Lord answered my prayer as I didn't have to say anything that would hurt either of my parents. God is good, ALL the time!
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